
Saturday, January 23, 2010

My 24th birthday

A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.

My birthday already passed two weeks ago and am 24 now! still remember that day. Nothing much to do in my birthday and felt so empty. first, maybe because I am far from my family and friends. I used to had a small dinner with my friends and had a cake or tasty food in the house. I knew I refused to celebrate my birthday since I was 17..and started from that age I didn't care about birthday. It just seemed like usual day but I had never been alone in my birthday.

And this year it was totally different. In the morning, I thought of any activities that I could do in my birthday and it was nothing! so, I decided to go to temple and pray. At least, I did something good in my day. After that, I went and walked alone in KLCC, felt so stupid but tried to enjoy it. I thought maybe I would spend that day just by myself. In the end, i felt too lonely, so i asked my close friend to go somewhere and finally I had a dinner with her and her mom and daughter.

Now, I realize I live in denial...
I don't like people celebrate my birthday with a big party or surprise but the meaning of that special day is to share your happiness with people you love and don't just be alone in that day. Trust me!

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